Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sports Day at WIS
This is a video of my Sports Day at Windhoek International School (WIS). WIS students are divided into three 'houses' (lions, leopards, and cheetahs)--just like in the Harry Potter movies. Sports Day is when the three houses compete against each other in athletic events.
One event is team walking which is when 5 people stand on two boards with a rope to hold onto. You have to step together to make the boards go forward. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins. When my team (Leopards) did it, we came in second because our boards overlapped and we had to straighten them out. We almost caught up with the other team, but didn't make it.
We did an obstacle course where you have to step into 4 tires, go over a hurdle, go under a hurdle, and go over another hurdle. Then you go around a pole and come back. The cheetah team did not have enough players, so I played for them, sadly.
Then there was a race in which three people from each house raced. I got a late start so I ended last. It was a 40m dash.
There was a wheelbarrow race in which a person got into a wheelbarrow, and the other person pushed him. When you got to the finish line, you switched places, and you came back to where you started. I was with Lushano, but I was too much of a weight for him!
The last thing I did was a tug of war challenge against the other teams. We lost the first round against the Lions because one of the Lions' dads helped them pull. But, we faced the Cheetahs and won that time. When all of the other grades had gone (the Leopards won many of those) the entire house (all grades) came together and pulled. The parents were invited too. We lost because the other teams had about 20 parents on their side, and we only had my dad and Lushano's dad on our side.
At the end of the day, they announced which houses had won. The contest was divided into primary and secondary. I'm in secondary (Year 7 and up). Primary is Year 6 and down. The primary Leopards got third place, but the secondary Leopards got first place. When the added all of the scores together for the overall prize, the Leopards got second place, and the Lions got first place. We only lost by 119 to 113 points. Just 6 points, which is very few.
This is a picture of me and Jose holding the first place Secondary trophy. But, we didn't get to keep it. It gets displayed in my PE teachers classroom. His name is Mr. Beukes and he put the day together.
The overall day was very fun, and I liked helping my house get first place in the Secondary.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My school field trip to Harnas
These are photos that I took at Harnas. It is a wildlife rehabilitation sanctuary near Gobabis, Namibia. My class was taking a field trip there. We stayed overnight in tents. We used the money from our "Make it Sell" unit to pay for the Harnas trip, so the games that I made helped pay for the trip.

Sunday, April 26, 2009
My favorite parts of our trip to Kunene

Saturday, March 14, 2009
My friends and class

I want to say hello to all my friends in Lincoln. I miss you.
The school here is pretty much the same as my school in America. Something funny is that in America we have only two minutes to do a time test for math with 50 problems. In my school here in Namibia we have 15 minutes to do 50 problems.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Rocks in Namibia and an update

There are a lot of different kinds of rocks in Namibia. They have a lot of rock shops and a museum that has the world's largest piece of quartz. This is a picture of that largest piece of quartz with me standing in front of it. The museum is in Swapokmund on the coast, and we were there two weeks ago.
I've found and bought a lot of rocks that are really cool. I bought some amethyst, tourmaline, aquamarine, and quartz. I bought some of them at a market on the side of the road and I got 3 stones for about US$8.
I am doing baseball and track and a play that is called "Fiddler on the Roof" here at school. In track I am doing shot put, which is when you throw a metal ball as far as you can. It's 4 kg, which is about 8 pounds. I went to a track meet and we competed against other schools. I got 5th out of 8 people. I threw it over 5 meters.
Baseball just started, and my friend Max's dad had a bunch of gloves mailed over from a team in the US. At the first practice we did basic things, because few kids knew how to play.
I'm going to play the butcher, Lazar Wolf, in Fiddler on the Roof. I have to sing, but not a solo. I'm also going to help make the set.
At school, we're doing an exhibition project. We work in pairs, and we have to make something and sell it. We have to come up with a marketing plan. My partner and I made a golf tee game, like the one you can play at Cracker Barrell. We had to cut the wood and drill the holes, and now we have to come up with packaging.
Thank you for reading this.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Big cats

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
4th and 5th days in Namibia

Thursday, January 1, 2009
The London Eye

The capsules rotate in the holders, so you don't go upside down at the top, although that would be pretty cool! We had about 15 people in our capsule.
When you got off and on, it didn't stop--it was still moving. You had to make sure you stepped over the crack, or you might fall down.
It was fun to go on, because you were very high up. When you looked down, it was a long way down and you kind of freak out sometimes.

There was a long line to get into it, but the line moved quickly.
We also saw the New Years Parade and went inside a big church that had a lot of dead people buried in it. We listened to the church choir. Our feet got sore, because we walked everywhere. We also took the subway.
Japanese restaurant